Suffrage lecture announcement, Belfast, ca. 1915
Contributed by Maine Historical SocietyDescription
To spark interest in the cause, local suffrage organizations often brought in out-of-state speakers who could share fresh knowledge and perspectives. The National [American] Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) sent Augusta Hughston to Maine in August 1916 to help organize the state in preparation for a possible statewide referendum the following year. It is likely that she was also tasked with assessing Maine's readiness for such a campaign, as she visited every county. She must not have liked what she saw; ultimately, NAWSA president Carrie Chapman Catt advised Maine not to proceed with a referendum. "You're not ready," she said.
This poster advertises the first suffrage meeting to be held in Belfast. Potential audience members were lured by a promise of free admission and no requests for donations.
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